
Last night Carrie's Grandma and mom, Carrie and I went out to Mexican (Casa Azteca ... I know, I know but Grams loves it) for dinner. I took the camera along because I thought it would be a nice to have a generational photo before the baby arrives. Well coming out of the restaurant, Grandma fell and broke her arm. She's doing OK, but I did feet a few pangs of regret for not being more helpful because at the time of the incident I was window shopping at a toy store. Well while waiting for the ambulance, I suddenly remembered the camera and snapped this photo. Carrie said it was tacky but I think it's fairly poignant. Notice everyone laughing or smiling? That's Robin from the restaurant by her knees (she called 911). We were at the same hospital that Carrie will go when the time comes until 1am but Elizabeth decided to let Grandma have her night. Again Grandma remained humorous, elegant and kept her composure as always. She is doing fine. Oh .. and the Mexican food was typically typical.