Let There Be Mold!

So living in Dhaka has it's advantages and disadvantages. Case in point was when our tub started flooding (clogged drain maybe) and then leaked into the walls and caused a huge moldy area of the two walls opposite the tub. Perfectly identical moldy patches right where the tub was. The advantage is they agreed come fix it either immediately or wait 4 weeks till Spring Break. Carrie opted for immediately and we had a new tub and newly done walls (sans the color) with a few days. The disadvantage is that when they installed the new tub they forgot to level it correctly and the edges are like gutters that pool and spill water onto the floor despite repeated attempts to seal it. It completely encapsulates the idea of two steps forward and one step back. At least they fixed the mold .... for now.


lulu said...

Interesting, I've had a moldy patch opposite my tub for a year. Who did you complain to?

Jonathan and Matt said...

We had mold growing behind our tiled shower here in Houston and decided to replace it in November. Had fun tearing it all down, but that's how it's stayed ever since!! Can you send your plumber on over to help us out?!!??!