BD Karma

For her last birthday before becoming a mother Carrie wanted a good steak, something we've watering about in Dhaka all year. Not that there isn't some decent steak in Dhaka, but a real steakhouse steak. We decided to go to a fancy restaurant by the mall (it was recommended) ... but in one of those hard to explain moments ended up walking into Champps ... a sports bar grill. They sat us right next to the door and high chair storage are at a wobbly table. We moved one table to fix the wobbly table. It wasn't the jumbotron TV above us or the noise level was way above my tolerant level for a romantic dinner. The clincher was when I asked for a beer and she ID'ed me. Of course no wallet/no proof. Obviously it's her job to ask, so I began to tell this ridiculous story about Dhaka, wallets, babies, 36 years old and passports ...well ... we walked out ... best decision ever ... Karma works in strange ways. We walked "through the mall" to the Bone Fish Grill, had a candle lit booth (we prefer), the best steak in ages, cloth napkins (oh yeah), Newcastle's Brown Ale (no ID), and a pleasurable birthday dinner. I feel like going back to Champps with my passport ... isn't there any slack for originality anymore?