mmmm halloween

Last night I took my daughter trick or treating for the very first time, I ate a miniature Reese's cup with the brown paper still on it. I only realized this after I had popped it in my my mouth and had gotten in a few good chews. Dilemma? Not at all. But I could have sworn that I unwrapped the foil and brown paper (with tasks like that you are practically an automaton) and felt I was being punished for breaking the diet I'd started after Bali (fried calamari). But when I told Evan he admitted that the one he'd just opened had had two brown papers too. So I guess I can fall on the either side of this one. Whether there were two layers or I my mind was just so intent on getting the chocolate fix that it skipped a crucial step in the unwrapping process, I may never know. In all the mix of peanut butter, chocolate, and waxy brown paper was still appetizing. At least my brain remembered to remove the foil ..... zzzzap! (cheesy onomatopoeia courtesy of 3rd grade writing instructor)